
My name is Natalie, and I am so happy you're taking the time to support my dream. Wild Sol Jewelry is handmade in our cozy and light-filled studio in Portland, ME. Wild Sol’s mission is to adorn and elevate your essence, giving you space to feel and embody the totality of your essence. Woven into the jewelry is the intention that through adorning yourself and connecting to Wild Sol jewelry, you will ease deeper to your surroundings and self, encouraging you to notice and relish within the present moment. Wild Sol Jewelry acts as the vessel to adorn and uplift the wearer.
As a creator, living with my intuition as my guide, and taking in the beauty that surrounds us in our natural world is integral to my being. This awareness within this soul experience brings upon me lessons of continuously being asked to listen and trust my higher self, in order to not question this inner guidance. Before I had the language to explain the not so tangible undercurrents that make up our energetic field, I realized now, that my own connection with nature and creating jewelry designs have always served as my outlet to sink into the flow, that gave way for fluidity, awareness and just being present with self. It feels natural to make this part of my work, as I want others to realize they too can experience this soul, body connection.
We live in fast paced, capitalist world that has been conditioning us to push aside and lack connection to our deepest desires, that praises hustle over well-being. When we simply take the time to slow down, we allow space for what is. It feels natural to share what is evoked within my own human experience through jewelry design. I am in awe of the ways humans have been adorning and expressing themselves since the beginning of time. Making jewelry offers a space to share my own inspiration and purpose, as well as explore my own connection to self. It's a merging of personal feelings and cycles, greater collective themes, landscape, color, and play with asymmetry and balance. I hope to continue to evolve, expand, and grow through this process. Here's to owning, and sharing our unique light with the word~
When I am not making jewelry, you can find me collecting rocks and seashells along the Maine coast and beyond, taking ocean dips, and hiking with my Australian shepherd, Sunni!